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Journey of Hope

'Journey of Hope' is a visual narrative of five women who experienced gender-based violence, emphasising there is HOPE after the incident. 


This video was created by Boronia Multicultural Services as part of the 16 Days of Activism in partnerships and with the support of services including: City of Parramatta Council, NSW Police - Parramatta Command, Seniors Rights Service, Parramatta Women's Shelter, SEVA, Western Sydney University, Cumberland Women's Health Centre, Immigrant Women's SpeakOut Association NSW, Harris Park Community Centre, and the Parramatta-Cumberland Domestic and Family Violence Interagency.


We hope this video reaches all audience to support people experiencing domestic and family violence to seek help and know there is HOPE afterwards.











Coming Soon


Know your A-Z cards - Preventing Violence against Women

from OurWatch & Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria

Domestic Violence Hotlines

OurWatch - Change the Story video

Fathering Across Cultures Application

Raising Children Network


For schools, community groups and community awareness raising

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